
Senate Hearing on Interchange Fees

US Senate holds hearing on Interchange Fees.  Merchants, banks, card networks, and consumer advocates present their perspective on credit card processing fees. On May 4, the Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing titled “Excessive Swipe …

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Mastercard Subscription Billing Rule Changes Delayed

Subscription rule changes from Mastercard delayed until September 2022. New requirements for subscription and negative option billing were originally slated to take effect in March. In late 2021, Mastercard announced new requirements for merchants using …

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Credit Card Tokenization Explained

What is credit card tokenization? Fraud is one of the biggest challenges faced by the payments industry, and tokenization is one way to prevent it. Credit card tokenization is a fraud-prevention measure that protects sensitive …

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April 2022 Update: Card Brands Increase Merchant Fees

VISA, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover increase US merchant fees. Most US merchants will experience increased rates and fees, however the nature and extent of the impact will vary depending upon a merchant’s size, transaction …

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Insights on the April 2022 Rate Updates

Video: April 2022 VISA/MC rate updates. On April 22, 2022, VISA and Mastercard announced rate updates related to credit card processing fees. The card brands make these updates every April and October, with little exception. The …

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New Surcharging and Cash Discounting Penalties

Video: new surcharging and cash discounting penalties. Surcharging is a tactic used by merchants to pass the cost of credit card processing fees on to the customer. Cash discounting is an incentive merchants use to discourage …

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Avoiding the MATCH List

Video: how to avoid being blacklisted on the MATCH List. The MATCH List was created by MasterCard as a way to flag businesses that have exhibited risky behavior within their merchant accounts. Similar to the …

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Should You Choose a Payment Processor Based on Price?

If you’re wondering whether changing processors will significantly reduce your credit card processing fees, you’re asking the wrong question. There’s a better way to save. When it comes to how they pay, today’s consumers want …

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Fraud Trends and Easing Credit Standards

Mitigating ecommerce and retail fraud. Combating fraud is a challenge for many merchants.  LexisNexis® Risk Solutions’ 2021 True Cost of Fraud™ Study for Ecommerce and Retail explores fraud trends and solutions merchants can employ to …

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