
Tips for Managing, Monitoring, and Controlling Your Credit Card Processing Fees

We have found that nearly every company is overpaying their credit card processors. Some companies are paying thousands of dollars each month unnecessarily due to high rates and miscellaneous fees attached to their merchant account. But, accounting departments are catching on to the chaos surrounding credit card processing fees and hiring auditing firms like Verisave to cut unnecessary spending and increase profitability.

Verisave accomplishes significant savings for large companies in a number of ways.

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Merchant Services Expense Reduction Strategies for 2018

As we approach the end of the year, we know many companies are once again looking to reduce their merchant services expenses. Below we have provided three different merchant account expense reduction strategies that will help you get started on the right foot in 2018.

Expense Reduction Strategy #1 – Examine Merchant Service Fees

First and foremost, make sure you have someone on your team who understands how to read a merchant account statement. With so many entities taking a profit from your merchant account, it’s hard to cipher through itemized lines, percentages, and more. To understand your merchant account statement, you have to know who is taking a cut from your merchant account.

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How Verisave Helps Reduce, Manage and Control Merchant Account Fees

How Verisave Helps Reduce, Manage and Control Merchant Account Fees

At Verisave, we specialize in helping businesses  lower their monthly merchant account fees. With years of experience and back-end knowledge of the credit card industry, we managed to secure $5.3 million in savings just last year for our clients. Too many companies are letting their merchant account fees get the best of them, paying high interchange rates, late fees, and other unnecessary charges. Human errors can be made due to the complexity of merchant account statements. Bringing Verisave on board provides businesses with a three-fold service of ongoing reduction, management, and control of company merchant account fees


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3 Tips for Lowering Your Credit Card Processing Fees and Costs

If you are looking to cut company spending, have you considered reviewing your merchant account statement? While completely eliminating credit card processing fees is a non-starter, reducing them is a valid option that many companies and accounting departments are simply unaware of. Three things your company can do today to immediately lower your credit card processing fees are listed below.

1. Speak With Your Current Processor

Reducing the interchange rate even a few points can have a major impact on the company’s year-end totals. Speak to your current processor to request a “Rate Review”. Processors profit from higher rates and are unlikely to let you know when your current rate is above the industry benchmark. If they are encouraged to perform a rate review, they may end up shaving off a few basis points to maintain your business.

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Merchant Account Fees: Not Just Another “Cost Of Doing Business”

When it comes to doing business, most companies factor into their spending plan a number of unavoidable fees. One of which is often their merchant account fees. It’s set aside, unassessed, and assumed that this fee is a non-negotiable. But what companies should know is that these fees are in-fact not set in stone and could have a major impact on your yearly costs.

Master Merchant Account Statements To Decrease Company Spending

You cannot nix merchant account fees all-together. It’s only fair that the companies offering your customers such a seamless way to make transactions receive payment for the time and manpower required to process them. Unfortunately, they get a little greedy and have high hopes that you won’t notice.

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The Monster Inside Your Business: Credit Card Processing Fees

Credit cards have opened the door to many convenient business practices today. From online payments to simplified returns, there’s no way you can avoid offering this service to your customers. But perhaps you weren’t aware of just how convoluted those credit card processing fees might be? It’s much more complicated than a simple fee-for-service.

This modern sales convenience has something lurking in the closet. You saw him when you first signed up for your merchant account. He was sitting in the corner of the room, quiet, innocent, a little hairy and seemingly unavoidable. When you signed your contracts, you promised to let him hang around. But that monster didn’t stay quiet for long. He quickly became a noticeable disruption. He got hairier, stinkier, and louder.

That monster and all of his gross flaws are your Credit Card Processing Fees.

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