We understand your merchant account statement.
Here’s what you can expect from a Verisave cost-reduction engagement:

How much money will Verisave return to your bottom line?
- Most businesses are able to reduce credit card processing fees by 10-30%.
- It is not uncommon to reduce processing fees by several $million for large businesses or enterprise organizations.
What’s the process to reduce your credit card processing fees?
- You start by sending us a recent merchant account statement
- Our audit team will analyze the fees you’re paying for errors and overcharging
- Within 2-3 days, Verisave will provide a Report Card with the results of the audit and our recommendations to avoid any and all erroneous or unnecessary fees
- If you agree to our strategy, we’ll sign an engagement letter together
- In most cases, our clients can retain their existing merchant account and processor relationship, although in some instances we’ll recommend finding another solution if it’s in the client’s best interest
- Initial implementation will occur within 4-6 weeks, with Verisave fully implementing account adjustments on your behalf (we do the heavy lifting and involve your team only as absolutely necessary)
- Every month, we’ll send you a new savings report with clear and precise details on all savings
- For our payment, Verisave will receive a portion of the proven savings AFTER they’ve been returned to your bottom line —there are no other fees involved
Verisave Does the Heavy Lifting
What do you have to do?
- Your involvement is typically less than 2 hours throughout the engagement
- The first step is to send a merchant account statement to Verisave
- From that point, we’ll do all the heavy lifting, working directly with your processor and any banks involved
< 2 Hours
Verisave Services:
Verisave offers cost-reduction, simplified. Without any time investment, disruption, risk, or upfront fees, we can easily bring 10%-30% of your credit card processing fees back to your bottom line.
No need to change processors, and no need to add a project to your team’s workload.

We dissect and analyze every fee on your merchant account to find all viable savings tactics, re-classifications, and hidden discounts.

We apply these tactics to your existing merchant account, implementing all savings for you. We do all of the work.

We monitor the account every month to ensure your fees do not increase over time, and that any annual rate updates are minimized or avoided.