We Reduce Credit Card Processing Fees
Reduce Merchant Account Fees Without
Switching Processors.
Why You Should Have Verisave Conduct a Free Savings Analysis Today
It is no secret that your merchant statement can be difficult to understand. In fact, we believe this confusion is created by merchant processors by design to mask their profit. The less you understand the fees, the less likely you are to question them. Our experts in the credit card processing industry will ensure you understand these fees and do not overpay.
Why Verisave & How The Savings Analysis Works

Can You Answer The Following Questions?
- How much profit does my merchant processor make on my account?
- What fees do I have control over?
- Am I paying too much in credit card processing fees?
- Are my fees in line with my competitors?
- Are savings available to me that I am not aware of?
- Can my American Express fees be reduced?
- How do I reduced my fees without switching processors?
Most businesses are unable to answer the questions above which usually means they are paying too much. Using our staff of highly trained credit card processing industry experts, Verisave will provide answers to these questions and help you save money right away. We can even help you implement these savings WITHOUT switching processors.
How the Savings Analysis Works.
1. Provide Statement
Send copies of your merchant
statements to Verisave.
2. Receive Free Savings Analysis
Verisave will provide you with
a detailed Savings Analysis.
3. You Save Money
Verisave will implement
the savings for you.
How You Benefit
You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
- Average savings of 25%
- Lower your overall fees to around 2%
- Fast and Efficient implementation
- 90% implementation success rate
- No switching processors