Benchmark your credit card processing fees.
How do your processing fees stack up? Are your fees in line with what you should be paying, or are you overpaying?
Who should use the calculator:
- Businesses that Accept Credit Card Payments
- Credit Card Volume Between $150k – $100mm+ Per Month
How the Rate Calculator Works:
- Instant Benchmark Report Sent to Your Inbox
- Graded by Industry
- Includes Estimated Savings Opportunity
How High Should Your Merchant Fees Be?
- It’s Different for Every Industry
- We See Effective Rates as Low as 1.2% … and as High as 8% (Yikes!)
- On Average, Your Credit Card Processing Fees Can Be Reduced 10-30%, Regardless of Your Current Effective Rate or Processor
- It Is Not Uncommon for Our Larger Clients to Achieve Over $1 Million in Annual Savings
Savings Calculator
How to reduce your credit card processing fees:
Verisave offers cost-reduction, simplified. With minimal time investment, disruption, risk, or upfront fees, we can easily bring 10%-30% of your credit card processing fees back to your bottom line.
No need to change processors, and no need to add a project to your team’s workload.

We dissect and analyze every fee on your merchant account to find all viable savings tactics, re-classifications, and hidden discounts.

We apply these tactics to your existing merchant account, implementing all savings for you. We do all of the work.

We monitor the account every month to ensure your fees do not increase over time, and that any annual rate updates are minimized or avoided.