Insights on the April 2022 Rate Updates

On April 22, 2022, VISA and Mastercard announced rate updates related to credit card processing fees.

The card brands make these updates every April and October, with little exception.

The 2022 updates are complicated, with some transactions seeing reductions, and others seeing increases.

As always, it’s important to be aware of these changes, and to have your account set up properly, to avoid being caught off guard by higher fees.

More information can be found in our full write-up here.

The 2022 updates are just one of many recent industry shifts.

The payments industry is constantly evolving, and it can be difficult to stay on top of new developments and updates.

Find more breaking news from the experts at Verisave here:

Verisave is a third-party cost-reduction firm specializing in merchant accounts and credit card processing fees.

Verisave is not a payment processor, and is not affiliated with any processors, card brands, or banks.

Verisave has more than 20 years of experience optimizing and monitoring the credit card processing industry.

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