Our process:
Step 1: Analysis
Before we can optimize your merchant account and other components of your payments stack, our experts will analyze your merchant account.
We begin by reviewing one or more of your recent merchant statements. As the conversation continues we will discuss your existing merchant agreement and integrations. Our goal is to keep you with your current processor whenever possible.
Step 2: Report Card
We will share our findings with your team, providing insights on your processing fee rates, overall setup, and areas of wasted spend.
Step 3: Optimization and Consulting
We will work with your team to go over the optimization strategy, covering proposed merchant account adjustments, and options for streamlining the payments stack for greater operational efficiency.
Step 4: Monthly Monitoring and Reporting
We will report to your team with monthly metrics detailing areas of savings, effective rates, and trends within transaction types that will help you to make decisions more easily.

Why this is Important: Merchant Accounts are Complicated, and Often Setup Incorrectly.
Credit card processing fees are complex ON PURPOSE. The industry is made up of numerous banks, card-brands, and processors … and all of them influence the fees businesses pay.
To lower these fees, you need extensive expertise, insider knowledge, and mountains of industry benchmark data.
Verisave has you covered.
We will optimize your merchant account and fix every error and overcharge … without any need to change processors.
And you don’t pay us a dime until we bring that money back to you.
Pricing: How Does Verisave Get Paid?
Verisave works on a gain-share model. There are no upfront fees, and there are no consulting fees. We only get paid as a portion of the money we bring to you by optimizing your merchant account and providing a clear baseline comparson, so that you know exactly how much money you have saved.
If we don’t bring money back to you, you don’t pay us a dime. This guarantees the project will be profitable for you, no matter what.
Upfront Analysis
An expert report card covering your credit card processing fees, merchant account setup, and payments stack configuration.
No contract required.
Gain Share
Our team will optimize your merchant account settings so that you are paying the lowest-possible credit card processing fees.
We will work closely with your team, your processor, and any integrated vendors to ensure your payments stack is streamlined and set up the way it should be.
Our fees will equate to a portion of realized savings, for a defined term of engagement.
The experts at Verisave will work with your team to understand all of the inner-workings of your merchant account and payments stack so that you know exactly what to expect and what you’re being charged by your processor.
Included with engagement.
You will have access to transparent and thorough reports detailing your processing fee rates, transaction types, effective rates, and trends.
Included with engagement.