Merchant account success stories.
We work with a wide variety of clients across all industries.
Every merchant account is different, and every project is unique.
But almost everyone is being overcharged on credit card processing fees in some way.
Here are some of our client success stories:

Client: Ecommerce Retailer
Verisave combed through statement and account data
Verisave leveraged a unique relationship with PayPa to reduce their processing fees, and consolidated their non-PayPal fees
Verisave also incorporated some future-proofing into the account

- Total Monthly Cost Reduction: $16,500
- Beginning Overall Effective Rate: 2.95%
- Target Overall Effective Rate: 2.0%
- PayPal 2022 Increase Nullified
- Account Areas Affected: 3
- $200k saved per year
Client: Dental Support Organization
Verisave identified the best processing scenario
Verisave was able to pinpoint two processing vendors that could cover that ground well and at a substantial cost savings
Estimated cost savings for this DSO client totaled over $42k per month
In addition, Verisave provides valuable reporting to the client DSO’s finance team

- Total Monthly Cost Reduction: $42,000
- Beginning Overall Effective Rate: 3.32%
- Target Overall Effective Rate: 1.97%
- Account Areas Affected: 9
Client: Broadcast Media
- Verisave’s analysts discovered overcharging due to improper
account setup and an unpublished American Express discount
that was not applied - Micro-adjustments were implemented to fix account setup
- Verisave prepared a case and petitioned American Express,
securing discount for client

- $2.3mm Savings/yr
- 25% savings on Visa/ Mastercard transactions
- $1mm in American Express savings were also achieved through a new discount
Client: SaaS Data Provider
- Account review revealed overcharging due to transaction
misclassifications that were causing miscalculation of
interchange fees - Additional opportunities to reduce other processing fee
components were also identified - Verisave worked with processor to correct errors and
implement additional savings opportunities
Client: Logistics & Transportation Company
- Client experienced several unannounced quarterly fee
increases billed as interchange fees - Verisave’s analysis and review of benchmark data revealed
the fee increases were undisclosed card processor fees - Presented with this information, the processor agreed to
refund the extra fees - Additional opportunities to reduce interchange were also
identified and implemented
Client: B2C Ecommerce
- Client experienced several unannounced quarterly fee
increases billed as interchange fees - Verisave’s analysis and review of benchmark data revealed
the fee increases were undisclosed card processor fees - Verisave successfully petitioned the processor to reverse
these charges and remove the fees - Unpublished discounts were also applied
Client: Equipment Rental and Retail
- Analysis revealed overcharging due to numerous errors
- Critical information was not being passed correctly from
the gateway/POS to the processor - Verisave worked with the gateway administrators to correct
the flow and accuracy of data - Additional adjustments were made to the account setup
Client: Consumer Electronics
- Account review revealed overcharging due to a
misclassification of common transaction types - Verisave worked with the processor to correct errors
- The processor itself was unaffected as the overcharges
were related to interchange
How to reduce your credit card processing fees:
Verisave offers cost-reduction, simplified. With minimal time investment, disruption, risk, or upfront fees, we can easily bring 10%-30% of your credit card processing fees back to your bottom line.
No need to change processors, and no need to add a project to your team’s workload.

We dissect and analyze every fee on your merchant account to find all viable savings tactics, re-classifications, and hidden discounts.

We apply these tactics to your existing merchant account, implementing all savings for you. We do all of the work.

We monitor the account every month to ensure your fees do not increase over time, and that any annual rate updates are minimized or avoided.
It’s simple. Verisave clients boost their profits by reducing wasteful credit card processing fees through our expert optimization process.
Our work is entirely within the setup of the merchant account … we find errors, we fix them on the back end, and our clients return that extra money to their bottom lines. There’s no need to change processors.
Nothing else changes. There’s no disruption to any business practice or customer experience.
And we do all of the work.